Zawia Media is leading the digital media scene in Afghanistan

Zawia Media is leading the digital media scene in Afghanistan

  • 3 کاله دمخه (14/07/2021)
  • Smasoor
  • 1998

Media known as the fourth pillar of state machinery, one of its vital role is to create public awareness and lead people towards a positive path as well as create constructive perception. Media channels can also be best utilised to protect and bolster national interests of the country. 21st century is a period of soft power and projecting a positive influence which knows no borders. The media plays an important role in that. With the increasing numbers of social media platforms as well as the traditional cable & radio streams, the government can exploit all these mediums to the advantage of the country and its people

Advancing national agenda and national interests of the country is the responsibility of state and there will be elements internally and externally who will pose imminent challenge by promoting foreign interests and motives for their personal gains. The onus is also on a truly Afghan owned and Afghan led media outlet to confront those challenges and project a genuine and true image of the country. Given the extremity and deterioration of the situation, the role of the media in regard to public awareness as well as assisting national institutions is important than ever before.

One of that media house is ZAWIA. Although Zawia doesn’t have an extensive track record since it has been incepted and launched recently, it has the capacity, determination and competency to operate in the current dire political and security environment. Zawia epitomises modern Afghanistan in which the new generation of talented and tech-savvy Afghan youth excel with utmost potential and determination to play their role in rebuilding a war-torn nation. Zawia is run by a team of young and skilled Afghans whose sole aim is to promote and protect the ideals and ideas of our forefathers who envisaged a peaceful, prosperous and progressive Afghanistan. Primarily Zawia is digital media company, which launched its operation about 2yrs ago. The overarching goal is to portray a positive image of the country thru the eyes of ordinary Afghans, preserve some of the obvious achievements of the last 20yrs as well as highlight the challenges. Zawia represents a progressive, vibrant & tech-savvy generation of Afghanistan.

Zawia takes pride on the finesse of standard and diverse production of contents. We believe in fair and balanced news and reports that cover all sides of the story. We are determined to play our role in

bringing a positive change to our homeland as we navigate through these contentious times.

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